Amshuhu iTech Solution Pvt. Ltd. التطبيقات

iSteer Sales Force 17.03.02
iSteer Sales Force is integral part of iSteerCRM and ERP.To use iSteer Sales Force your company need to have iSteer CRM orERP in backend.iSteer Sales Force is business process automation software whichenables company to manage it sales executives.Benefits of iSteer Sales ForceiSteer sales force provide Visit PlanningSales Executive AttendanceSPANCOP ManagementNear By CustomersSales Executive Location TrackingCustomer Enquiry ManagementQuote ManagementSales Order Mangement.
iSteer CRM Guide-Sales 15.8.01
App provide video manual and pdf for iSteerCRM.Manual provide any user to understand about CRM- how to create contact?- how to create visit plan?- how to set SPANCOP?- how to set Annual Target?- how to set monthly forcast?- how to create enquiry?- how to create quote?.This manual will prepare your sales executives ready for bestprocess in 45 minutes.Current manual handles mainly for all sales related activities iniSteer CRM
iSteer Catalogue 16.11.01
iSteer Catalogue is a catalogue thatcantainthe all product of isteer retailer.
iSteer Portal 1.0.2
iSteer Portal is an app wrapped with various modules of iSteerproducts
TCM 16.9.4
TCM is an Mobile App for Training Center Management
Sales B2C 17.03.04
enables us to add, view and modify sales orders, collections andpending bills
PM Beta
Pipeline Manager Beta version
B2C SFA 23.06.02L
Enables us to add, view and modify sales orders, collections andpending bills
A mobile app for PIPELINE Management,especially developed for shelldistributors
Isteer Insights
To track the sale performance of distributor sales representative.
iSteer Expenses Management 2.4
iSteer Expenses Management - Track your Expense is apowerfultracking app for managing your personal finance planningwith aprecise user interface. It gives you the way thatautomatically andthoroughly analyzes your income and expenses.
iSteer Lead - Shell
A mobile app for Lead Management, especially developed for ShellGlobal.
Sales Channel 23.1.0
A mobile app for Sales Channel
Amshuhu Sales 1.0.8
Enables us to add, view and modify Enquiries, Quotation, andVisitplan
M Connect 1.2.4L
Empowering independent mechanics with connected technology formorebusiness
for all your gaadi care needs